Superfoods are like A-list celebrities. We follow them closely and gossip about them regularly.

Well, let’s start with, what is a superfood? Superfoods are known for their nutritional benefits and providing high levels of vitamins and minerals. Foods like salmon, blueberries, and various vegetables are usually in this group. But each year, a new (undercover) list comes out of new superfoods we should be trying. But how do you know which ones to try?

Try Goji Berries on your yogurt or ice cream

Today I’m sharing five superfoods that are on my list for 2014, and why they earned a spot on the A-list.

1. Goji berries

Also known as wolfberries, these berries contain ALL 18 amino acids as well as mega doses of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E. They are packed with more iron than spinach and more vitamin C than oranges. To this I say, GO-GOJI!

2. Acai berries

The açai (pronounced ah-SIGH-ee) is a small purple berry that has been touted to help weight-loss and aid in anti-aging. It contains very high levels of antioxidants, which help fight cancer and heart disease.

3. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and calcium. Shake them on oatmeal, smoothies, or salads for a nutty flavor and crunchy texture!


 4. Kale

Is it just me or is kale EVERYWHERE? Known as the “queen of greens,” there are quite a few reasons this superfood is in the spotlight. According to WebMD, one cup of kale contains nine percent of the daily value of calcium, 206 percent of vitamin A (which can act as a preventative against lung diseases), 134 percent of vitamin C and 684 percent of vitamin K. If that isn’t enough to sell you on kale, eating leafy greens such as kale may decrease memory loss, and the risk of stroke and diabetes. Try kale in salads, in omelets, or on sandwiches for a healthy snack idea.

5. Turmeric

This spice (what gives curry its distinctive flavor) is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Studies suggest that curcumin (the compound found in turmeric) can protect against cancer and Alzheimer’s. It can also improve blood circulation and help the body’s aches and pains. Try cooking with it, or putting it over grilled veggies or salads!

Whether these celebrity superfoods make a guest appearance, or make your A-list this year, find a nutrition path that is right for you and your body with these healthy snack ideas. Happy eating!


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