10 Life Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed

When carrying out our daily routines, we do many tasks mindlessly, never stopping to wonder if perhaps there is a faster, easier, or better way.  After all, it has become routine for a reason; that’s just the way it’s always done.  Unfortunately though, our wellness routines are usually a lot of work!  Let’s face it: looking, feeling, and acting your best can be a process.  As busy, ambitious women, we need every extra free moment we can possibly get.  We need to complete each task in the most efficient way so that we can enjoy the benefits to their fullest extent.  We need new and clever ways to solve old and boring problems.  We need... Life Hacks!


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Luckily, thanks to my desire to work smarter, not harder, I have discovered ten life hacks that can be used to improve a typical wellness routine.  These tricks will make you feel better, help you accomplish tasks quicker, and make your life all around simpler.  Trust me, once you start to make these small changes, your routine will never be the same.

1) Sweetly Erase Blemishes

Have a pimple on your face you just can’t seem to zap?  Try putting a dab of honey over it before bed, and covering it with a bandaid.  This will dry the zit right up, and when you wake up and wash your face your skin will be smooth and clear with no scar.

2) iSanitize

Little known fact, your phone is often one of the dirtiest things you’ll touch in a day, with almost 18 times more bacteria than the handle of a public toilet!  To keep your phone clean and your body healthy, mix rubbing alcohol with water and apply it to your phone’s surfaces with cotton swabs.  Do this at least once a month.  Be careful not to get the solution into open holes at the bottom or on the sides of the phone to prevent water damage.

3) Lavender Lullaby 

It has been proven that aromatherapy helps reduce tension and stress.  To make it easier for you to reduce stress before bed and achieve a better night’s sleep, purchase a scented pillow spray with lavender, chamomile, or mint infusions and give your pillowcase a quick spritz a few minutes before you retire to bed.

4) Freezing Fuel

Need caffeine to fuel your day, but don’t want to spend $5 on a Starbucks iced latte?  Make your own flavorful iced coffee at home by pouring freshly brewed coffee into large, square ice trays and letting it freeze overnight.  Put the rest of the coffee in a container and let it chill in the fridge.  In the morning, pop a handful of cubes into your chilled coffee and take a delicious iced coffee on-the-go that won’t get watered down!

5) Orange Ya Glad You Ate This

Personally, I never know what to eat before a workout.  A big plate of eggs will cause a cramp, but nothing at all leaves my body feeling shaky.  Many doctors recommend eating an orange before a workout, followed by drinking a few glasses of water.  This will keep you hydrated throughout your workout and prevent muscle soreness.

6) Coconut Locks

Shower-ready deep conditioning treatments often cost a lot of money, and are not always effective for every hair type.  A cheaper at-home remedy can be found in the form of simple coconut oil, available at any grocery store!  The natural oil nourishes the scalp, and helps hair to grow beautifully long and thick.  Simply spoon some into your palm and roll it around until it softens, then apply evenly to the hair and let it soak for several hours (or even overnight).  Be sure to rinse thoroughly to avoid a greasy look.

7) Skin Savior

Having dry skin on your face is a common beauty woe, but sometimes exfoliators leave your skin feeling worse.  Try creating a natural exfoliant by mixing brown sugar, olive oil, and a hint of lemon juice.  Rub evenly across your face, then let it sit for a few minutes before washing it away.  This will remove dead skin cells and leave your face feeling rejuvenated.


While I'm sure your wellness routine takes a lot more than just 10 steps, these 10 hacks are perfect for any busy woman who wants to simplify her life. 


8) Light and Lemony

Start off every morning with hot lemon water instead of coffee.  While yes, coffee is a lifesaver, hot lemon water helps balance your body’s pH levels, stimulates weight loss by jump-starting your metabolism, and helps you feel hydrated throughout the day.  It may sound like an odd morning drink, but the results make it worth it!

9) Sore No More

You just had a nice long ride at SoulCycle, and you’re feeling great… but your muscles don’t agree.  If you’re looking to beat the soreness quickly, reach for a glass of cherry juice.  You can throw a dash into a smoothie or just drink it plain, but the antioxidants in this unique juice are said to soothe muscles quickly no matter how you drink it.

10) Blister Banisher

As someone with sensitive skin and an unwavering desire to wear strappy shoes, I know just how annoying it is to remove your favorite heels only to see a blister staring back at you.  If you’re not willing to give up your cutest kicks (nor should you!), try using deodorant as blister prevention.  Before you slide on those pumps, rub the stick on the back of your heel or any areas that might rub as a barrier between your skin and the shoe.  Plus, now your feet will smell lavender fresh, even on hot days.


While I’m sure your wellness routine takes a lot more than just 10 steps, these 10 hacks are perfect for any busy woman who wants to simplify her life.  Try them the next time you need a cure for a blemish or blister, a skin or hair treatment, or just a better morning.  You’ll be happy you did!


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