3 Questions to Know When and How to Make a Life Change

When I started college, I was an English major with no clear direction for where I wanted my life to go.  Three and a half years later, I still felt uninspired by my major and coursework, so I decided that I needed a change.  I transferred to a new university and switched to a major that I had found a passion for.  Although it was a difficult decision to completely change my direction, and it has taken me six years to complete my degree, it was undoubtedly worth the change.  I'm happier, my grades improved immensely, and I feel a sense of accomplishment now that I couldn’t achieve previously.  Below are three key questions that were pivotal for me to make a life change. 


Purchase Dogeared 'New Beginnings' necklace here.

1) How do you know when you need a change? 

If you aren’t enjoying what you do, if you can’t stand your classes, if it’s difficult to make it through each day of work, then you may need to make a change.  Although it's hard for most of us to admit when something isn't working, acknowledging your unhappiness is the first step in finding what you love to do.

2) How do you know what makes you happy? 

It can be difficult to figure out what really makes you happy, and how to find a career that you want for a significant portion of your life.  The key is to try new things.  If there's something you have always thought sounded fascinating, but you’ve been too afraid to try it, muster up the courage and go for it.  Fear is often a great indicator of where our talents lie.  That painting class may show you a passion you never knew you had.

3) How do you pursue your newfound goals? 

Once you’ve identified the field you wish to pursue, find someone who has built a similar career and ask that person about his or her experiences and career path.  You might even be able to do a job shadow to see what a day in his or her life looks like.  Communicate with close friends and family regarding the direction you see your life going.  They know you, and may be able to help figure out the best path for your life.  At the very least, they can give you the support you need to make a life-altering decision.


Fear is often a great indicator of where our talents lie.


I have known a number of people who felt stuck in their majors, but they believed they couldn’t make a change because they were juniors or seniors.  This fear is not limited to college.  There are people who feel trapped in their careers, who believe that there is no other option but to remain in a dead-end job for the rest of their lives.  If you aren’t happy with where your choices have led you, you can change your mind at any time.  If you acknowledge that a change needs to be made, try new things to identify what does make you happy, and communicate these new goals to those who can support your dreams and help take your life in a different direction.  Your path is not set in stone; the choices you’ve made until now are the stepping stones to the life you want to lead.


Alexia is a student at Indiana University, balancing school, work and a family.  She's hoping to pursue a Master's degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois in the next year.  Shop in her Etsy store Reap and Roxi's Crafts and visit her blog Ally of the Dawn.


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