9 Nearly Guiltless Recipes to Cure Your Sweet Tooth

It’s 8:00 PM and the dreaded sugary cravings strike.  Ice cream, chocolate, cookies…which will you choose?  While occasionally indulging in these treats is relatively harmless, a regular diet high in sugar can result in serious health consequences.  To satisfy your sweet tooth while watching your waist line, why not try one of these shameless desserts?  Each of these nine delicious recipes listed below offers a dessert alternative to cure your sweet tooth while decreasing your guilt.  Happy body and a guilt-free conscience—what’s not to love about that?


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1) Cinnamon Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding

From the tapioca-like texture to the sweet and flavorful taste, this treat is sure to satisfy your taste buds without the added guilt.  For breakfast or dessert, this snack provides the perfect combination of protein and sweetness to keep you both full and satiated.


2) Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies

Cookies?  Healthy?  You may be rolling your eyes, but before you write me off, listen to this: this cookie recipe is free of both butter and flour!  With delicious and nutritious ingredients such as banana, nut butter, and honey, these cookies are bound to ward off your sweet tooth.


3) Energy Balls

Step aside KIND bars, Cliff Bars, and all power bars, homemade energy bites are the new cleaner and healthier alternative for breakfast.  While this particular recipe boasts yummy ingredients like dates, gluten-free oats, and banana, feel free to experiment with adding your own favorite fruit or protein!  (I recommend adding in some cacao nibs or honey for extra sweetness!)  These bite-size goodies assist you in portion control while fulfilling your sugary craving.


4) Flourless Sweet Potato Brownies

Ok…just wait.  Before you go running and screaming to your friend about the absurd ‘dessert’ article you read today, give these flavorful brownies a chance.  Believe it or not, the texture of this unique delicacy closely resembles that of a classic brownie.  Not to mention, the sweet potato flavor is surprisingly delicious.  I'm confident you'll be reaching for round two of these tasty, healthy treats.


5) Salted Almond Butter Freezer Fudge

Hello my fellow chocolate lovers!  This one’s for you.  Grain-free, refined-sugar free, gluten-free—you name it, this recipe doesn’t have it!  What this simple fudge recipe does offer is a flavorful, gooey bite-sized dessert.  Small but mighty, these extraordinary bites are sure to keep you comfortably full and absolutely delighted.


6) Raw Carrot Cake Bites

Thanks to delicious recipes like this one, energy and dessert bites are going to be a major trend in 2016.  From carrots to oats, this unique bite offers a healthy and naturally sweet indulgence that is certain to curb your craving.  So, guiltlessly indulge in this nutritious and perfectly proportioned bite—your stomach will praise you!


7) Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

Get ready to please your palate with these decadent goodies.  A healthier version of the Swedish classic, these vegan cinnamon rolls undoubtedly will be at the top of your holiday favorites.  Buckwheat flour, dates, and apple are the stars in this one-of-a-kind recipe.


8) Apple 'Cookies'

This delicious combo incorporates naturally sweet apple, creamy nut butter, and a variety of toppings to customize the delicacy to your liking.  Fuel your body and eliminate cravings with this wholesome and satisfying treat.


9) Banana Ice Cream

Sometimes you just want something cold and creamy to indulge in.  As delicious as ice cream is, the dairy and high sugar content poses potential health consequences long-term.  This healthy substitute offers similar texture and convincing flavor.  So grab your spoon and dig into this guiltless delicacy!



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