Be Prepped & Proactive: A Senior's Back-To-College Checklist

I can’t believe it…I’m a senior in college.  I’m finally, actually, literally (whatever way I feel at any given, terrifying moment) a senior in college.  One would imagine, that by this time, coming up on year four, I would have 'college-life' down to a science.  Being someone who attends school, what seems like light-years away, from my home city of Charlotte, North Carolina, one would think I’m essentially a rock-star at managing homesickness.  One would also assume, that I’ve got a fool-proof list of 'must have' items to pack, seeing as I have been forced to essentially move twice a year, for the past three years.  One would think, I’ve got things pretty much all figured out… But honestly, just typing that sentence made me laugh out loud (And let me tell you, this is not a case of 'lying LOL'… you know how you say you laughed out loud at something when you text or type it, but really didn’t.  I actually just let out a really gross sounding chuckle.), cause while I seemingly have the college experience under my belt, I’m no expert. 

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In the midst of what seems like an always-overwhelming season in my life, heading back to school, I have learned one totally solid rule of thumb when it comes to my own personal back to college checklist.  Be Smart.  Sounds simple enough, right?  But you’d be amazed how often I’ve been duped into what I thought were 'great back-to-school deals,' social situations I had no idea how to navigate (seriously, some real doozies), and bouts of homesickness that reduced me to a pile of tears and Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.  In those moments, I wish I had paused and looked at life with a fresh perspective, a smart one, an empathetic one, a patient one, and informed one.  So while I don’t claim to have all the answers to your impending college woes and worries (and I won’t even pretend to), read my helpful back-to-college checklist and discover how I’ve learned, though three years of trial and error, what some mandatory practices and products are to incorporate into your life before you get lost in the college life shuffle.

1) MANDATORY - bSmart and Prepared with an Emergency List

I hate to admit this on a public forum, but this will be the first year I have incorporated this aspect of pre-semester planning into my own routine, however, I now see that it’s so crucially important, I felt the need to post it at the top of this list.  Before you head out to school (whether you are studying and commuting from home or moving miles and miles always) it is imperative you have a list of 'In Case of Emergency' information at the ready and easily accessible.  This past summer, my identical twin sister found herself in a horrifying situation, in which she was living in a strange city, with limited pre-existing contacts, and she unexpectedly found herself in the midst of a medical emergency.  She had no idea where the nearest hospital was.  She had no clue if the person who was in the state of emergency had medication or food allergies, or what’s worse, who to call to ask if the person did have such pre-existing conditions.  My sister acted smart…  really smart and kept a level head (and ultimately saved someone else’s life, which you know…YAY), but the entire situation could have been avoided had an emergency protocol list been at the ready.

Before heading off to school, take some time and do some valuable research.  Locate the nearest hospitals, pharmacies, emergency rooms, and your school’s health and wellness center and record their phone numbers and hours of operation.  Make a list of emergency contacts you would want someone to call on your behalf if you ever experienced an accident or were unable to speak for yourself and also record any preexisting medical conditions you have on that list.  In addition to the list, have an emergency fund of money (20 or 30 dollars in cash) at the ready to accommodate cab fare, initial medication costs or whatever expenses an emergency could potentially entail.  Keep this list and the envelope of money somewhere safe and accessible, and don’t hesitate to share it’s location with your apartment-mates or with people you trust (I for one wrote down all of this information and am keeping it in my wallet so I have it with me 24/7).  It’s funny, upon writing this article, I shared this helpful tidbit with my mother, someone who has lived in Charlotte for over 20 years, and she confessed to me that she has no such list for our own home and family.  It’s easy to get duped into feel safe or invincible throughout your college years, so take the time now (whether you are headed off to school or happily settled in somewhere, like my mom), to get in the habit of being in control, being smart, and make that easily accessible mandatory emergency protocol list.    

2) Hinder Homesickness with a Hint of Home

This one seems obvious, but I am a firm believer that it works.  Again, no matter where you find yourself enrolled this fall, everyone’s college experience comes with mega ups and ground shaking downs.  It’s imperative to trouble shoot and know, that yes, you will at some point find yourself heartbroken, hung-over or harshly underprepared for an exam (or all three at once… oops…) and in those moments, a hint of home to remind you of your happy place will prove just the trick to overcoming such obstacles.

Whether it’s a Woody from Toy Story kind of moment, in which you pack your favorite teddy for when the going gets rough (although I should point out that Andy ultimately did not take Woody with him to college…BIG mistake), or a box of herbal tea from your favorite coffee shop, that when you brew a cup, makes your whole dorm smell like you’re surrounded by friends and family, don’t hesitate to pack it.  You’ll thank yourself later for having a hint of home to remind you, that though you’ve moved on and are working on reinventing yourself, there is somewhere out there, where you have friends and family, just waiting with baited breath for your happy (and ultimately triumphant) return.  And that’s a solid something to look forward to in moments filled with college woe.     

3) bSmart - Budget Smart

College life can be a money sucker.  I’m warning you now.  The realities of Netflix nights in and surviving off (what could only questionably be called edible) dining hall fare are real because you will find money goes fast!  Whether you are planning on holding down a job, have worked out a monthly allowance system with your parents (lucky you!) or are going into this semester seemingly penniless, it is important to preemptively plan financially so you don’t find yourself in a pinch.  Simply, don’t let yourself go over budget.

Now, upon first entering college this can be a tricky task, because in an effort to get to know your new turf and gain new friends you will want to be present at every possible social obligation and gathering available to you…even if that gathering includes the price of admission to a movie ticket, dinner at PF Chang’s, and drinks once all that’s said and done.  I’m not advocating that you should become a hermit and punish yourself by staying alone in a dorm room rather than enjoying an occasional night on the town, just pace yourself.  Be smart with your finances.  Download a mobile banking app so you can more easily track your spending.  Peruse the articles and blog posts here on bSmart to help you in preemptively planning your college budget.  Don’t go in unprepared (been there, done that).  News flash- You’re a big girl now.  Isn’t it time you started managing your money like one?        

4) No…More Really Does Mean More

The toughest lesson I’ve learned over the past three years is that more does not always equate that which is better.  In fact, for me, more often times equated a larger pile of smelly laundry or overweight bags when returning home for the holidays.  Be wary of college 'must have' checklists (she says as she writes a college checklist… ironic huh).  While sites such as College Board, PB Teen, or your university’s 'what to bring along' list may seem helpful and paint an organized and pretty picture of dorm life, trust me when I say, they are over the top.  Remember, everything you put into your dorm room, will have to ultimately be packed back up again.  So do you really need all eight of your high-school marching band t-shirts?  Absolutely not.  Packing on the lighter side means smaller loads of laundry, an easier starting block for organization, and the opportunity (and room available in your drawers) for shopping excursions, should you have the time and money.  Packing more really does mean more… and not in a good way.      

5) Dry Shampoo - Savior of the College Girl

It’s as simple as that.  Though it seems silly, honestly, no college checklist of mine would be complete without including dry shampoo as a must have product.  After only discovering this wondrous beauty product last year, I am not sure how I navigated campus without it!  For those busy days when showering is simply not an option (yikes…I know), have dry shampoo at the ready to keep you looking fresh, smelling great, and maintaining the appearance that you have it all together.  I recommend the Suave, Klorane or Aveeno brand dry shampoos, as they leave your hair feeling soft and clean all the way to the root.

You’re a smart woman, you’re in college after all!  bSmart this semester and plan ahead.  From your 'In Case of Emergency' checklist to your in case of a hair-tastrophe bottle of dry shampoo, don’t get caught unprepared.  And in the midst of all the prep, classes, exams, and craziness that comes with the territory of being a successful college lady, enjoy life… cause these years sure go by fast!    


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