Community Campaign: Finding Balance in Life

 How do you find balance between your work (or school) and personal relationships?

We asked and your fellow brilliant, bSmart ladies answered.  Living in the present, compartmentalizing, and creating an organized calendar with dates + ‘To Do's’ were the common themes shared!

I've found, that being present is key.  When you're in class or at work, focus on that.  But when it's time to be with your friends, family or significant other, be present for them in that moment.  Try to compartmentalize, otherwise you'll find yourself being unproductive and missing out on strengthening meaningful relationships. ~ Grace Houghton-Larsen

Make the most of the time you spend on something.  In terms of the nitty-gritty balancing, I write EVERYTHING in my planner.  I mean everything; new lists are forming constantly. Prioritize your list and attack the day! ~ Meghan Loftus




Find balance in your life with the Fring Studio 'Live Fully' Metallic Journal!

If it's not on my calendar or my to do list, then it won't get done—and that includes rest and play! ~ Meagan Hooper

I've found that journaling really helps me find balance within various aspects of my life, especially in regards to my work/school schedule and my personal relationships. ~ Gabriella Bower

I intentionally try to balance my unavoidably-packed daily schedule by having an attitude of acceptance, and having genuine conversations and moments with people as I go through my day.  I quickly learned how ineffective and unsustainable perfectionism is for me.  I've reached a place where I do everything that I can to accomplish tasks (use creativity, outsource, and put in as many distraction-free hours as I reasonably can), and after that I don't stress about it.  Taking the time to care about and appreciate other people helps put things into perspective.  There is much more to life than my to-do list. ~ Anna Gulbis

I am still trying to find a balance, but what I have learned is how I act in these settings dictates a lot in regards to my productivity.  I am always working on finding out how to act in a professional setting vs. a personal setting. ~ Kendra Schwarz


Are you struggling to find balance currently?  Have your own pearls of wisdom to share with our readers? Connect with the bSmart activity stream to continue the discussion and achive balance! 


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