How to Make the Most of the Job You Didn’t Want

Finding the perfect job is a lot like finding the perfect boyfriend: You have a vision in your head of what he looks like, a list of qualities you imagine him to have, and a bubbly feeling of overwhelming satisfaction that hits when you realize ‘this is it, this is the one.’  Yet, like finding the man of your dreams, finding the perfect job requires a series of trial and error.  You will date a couple losers here and there, or spend 6 months thinking you found the perfect man, only to learn that he will never pay as much attention to you as he does to his fantasy sports teams.  Ultimately, it takes going through quite a few failures before coming upon the Holy Grail of relationships. 


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You may be in the midst of one of these failures right now, in the form of the dreaded Job You Didn’t Want And Only Took Because You Needed the Money and Experience.  And it may seem like the most awful fate you’ve ever experienced.  But what I’ve learned from these moments is that there are actually many ways to turn the job you didn’t want into a worthwhile experience, one that results in personal growth and a new bank of knowledge (that you may or may not use again in the future, but hey, there’s no such thing as too much knowledge).  And, if you follow these five tips, you might find something you would have never thought to look for—maybe even the love of your life.

1) Remind yourself of why they chose you

While this job may seem more suited for someone else, remind yourself that a manager at this company offered you the job for some good reason.  Whether it was your amazing resume, your great interview skills, or any other number of things that make you unique, this employer saw something in you that they believed made you a valuable addition to their team, more so than any other applicant.  Whatever made you stand out, it’s a quality you should feel immensely proud of, and a quality that may one day help you land the job of your dreams.  Tell yourself that you’re a valued addition to this company, and your mood will instantly boost, making your day a little more bearable.

2) Find ways to incorporate things you love

Let’s face it: the reason you don’t like this job is that it’s not all the glitz and glamour you imagined when picturing the job of your dreams.  It may not even be in a field you’re passionate about, making your days seem lagging and uninteresting.  But between phone calls and boring meetings, there are many ways to sneak a little fun into your day.  If you love to write, take a 5-minute break every once in a while to write a poem on a sticky note and hang it in your cubicle.  If you love photography, take a quick ‘bathroom break’ once a day to photograph something outside your office.  No matter what you’re passionate about, try to devote even a minute per day to that one thing.  It will not only boost your mood, but it will make your days feel even more productive because you’re spending time on things you really care about. 

3) Treat it as valuable experience

You may feel like the company’s slave, simply making copies, fetching coffees, waiting tables, or answering the phones all day, but even these simple tasks come with valuable lessons.  Each time you’re faced with a task that seems less than thrilling to you, look for the potential to learn something new.  You may find that answering phones gives you great communication skills.  Or that waiting tables helps you work well with others.  If you treat each and every moment at this job as a chance to grow your skillset, you’ll leave each day feeling better and better about the person you’re becoming, even if it is thanks to a job you really hate.

4) Create an inspiration board

Office décor is important, even if your office is a tiny cubicle or the back room of a restaurant.  Wherever you find yourself stationed throughout the day (feeling desperate to leave so you can go home and enjoy some ‘me’ time) is the place where you need to hang a little inspiration for yourself.  Take a large poster board and collage it with photos of your favorite people, places, and things.  Find some quotes that are meaningful to you, song lyrics that make you feel good, or celebrities who embody the person you wish to become.  Looking at this visual reminder throughout the day will remind you of where you’re going, and that this job is a small stepping-stone to help you get there.  There are great things waiting for you, you just have to keep them at the forefront of your mind.

5) Keep an open mind

If you wake up every morning and think ‘today will be the worst day ever,’ then it will be.  But if you wake up in the morning with a Lady Boss attitude, you’ll find that your days fly by a little bit quicker.  When you think about your job, don’t think of it as the job you took because you had to.  Think of it as a learning experience.  When you think of your job, don’t think of all the things it isn’t, all the things you had hoped for and didn’t get.  Instead, think of the small things about it that are positive, even if they aren’t the most obvious right away.  And never compare your job to those of your friends and family.  Think of this as your time to shine in an unexpected way.  As soon as you get this job, and every moment thereafter, keep an open mind, and be open to all the feelings and experiences that will come with this opportunity.  If you open yourself up and allow positive vibes to come in and out, you may find that this job will end up giving you something you hadn’t thought to seek and something that will have made it well worth your time.


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