5 Ways To Stay Fit and Healthy During Winter

I'll admit it.  I'm the first person who needs to take my own advice.  I have a sweet tooth like none other and drinking my umpteenth vanilla latte during the cold winter months somehow makes me feel like it's warmer outside.  Add in that I don't like winter weather and I usually end up nursing my negative degree days with cupcake baking.  Oh, and then there’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s - and all of the candy, cookies, and delicious treats that come with those wonderful holidays.  Needless to say, my body gets a little too much food love and too little exercise in the winter months.  


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Below are my tips and tricks for how to be moderate with my holiday sweets and treats this winter to prevent my annual diet and exercise rollercoaster from winter into spring:

1) Don't drink your calories

You can easily and unknowingly drink your day’s calories in sweetened coffee beverages if you’re not careful.  This can espeically happen during the winter months when you need a warm drink to bring circulation back to your hands after a morning commute.  Replace a milky latte with green tea.  Green tea provides beneficial antioxidants and will warm you up without the dairy and calories of a sweetened latte.

2) Eat the cookie

That’s right!  I said, eat the cookie.  Don’t stare longingly at a platter of sweets and torture yourself at a holiday party.  Live life!  Eat the cookie - but just eat one.  Taste everything in moderation and sweets are the same story for being fit and healthy during winter.

3) Stay active

Winter months can feel like an excuse for hibernating.  While there will be many snowy nights when you can cozy up with a blanket, sip cocoa, and watch the latest episode of Downton Abbey (five days in a row) you should still spend at least 30 minutes on physical activity.  My winter suggestion?  Swim!  This is a great form of cardio that gives your whole body a workout without being too hard on your joints such as running.  Plus, if you find a pool at a gym it can be a great way to enjoy a summertime activity to chase away the winter blues.


The 'give half away' rule refers to baked goods, sweets or anything that could have a tendency to hang out in the kitchen only to be devoured during a midnight moment of weakness.


4) Don’t buy the bigger jeans

This is a tempting first step to an unhealthy winter.  Buying bigger pants lends itself to more unhealthy habits when it comes to diet and exercise during the winter.  Plus, it can be a waste of money when wear your old clothes by going to the gym or stop overdoing it at dinner.

5) Give half away

The 'give half away' rule refers to baked goods, sweets or anything that could have a tendency to hang out in the kitchen only to be devoured during a midnight moment of weakness.  Most of us have co-workers, so bring those extra baked goods to your office for everyone to devour.  The important thing is to get the extra sweets out of your kitchen before a winter binge eating moment.

What are your best tips and tricks for staying fit and healthy during the long winter months?  Do you have an indoor yoga routine that you swear by?  Let me know and comment below!


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