Re-Vamping Your Wardrobe: Making Yawn Worthy Pieces Awe Worthy Again

Every girl knows the struggle of standing in front of a closet full of clothes and thinking ‘I have NOTHING to wear.’  By the middle of the season, it seems like every single item you own is tired and boring, making simple things like getting ready to go grocery shopping a pain.  But unless you win the lottery tomorrow, starting a new wardrobe seems just a little out of reach.  Okay, maybe extremely out of reach.  Unless of course, you can find a way to re-vamp your current wardrobe, taking items you already own and making them feel fun and new again.  Below are three simple ways to make your yawn worthy pieces awe worthy again.


Pair your ripped jeans, summer tee, and layered necklaces with an Ulla Johnson Tomo Cardigan here.

Layer on layers

On their own, each piece may seem worn out and uninteresting to you.  But combined in new and unique ways, they go from tired to trendy, without spending a dime!  Try throwing on your comfiest knit sweater over a flirty sundress.  Or tie a denim shirt around the waist of a simple jumpsuit.  You can even mix moods, layering an edgy leather jacket over a girly lace blouse, or a chunky statement necklace with leggings and a simple T-shirt.  Mixing and matching items in unexpected ways will make them exciting over and over again.

Personalize your pieces

Personalizing your pieces is another way to make them feel more unique, and make you proud to show them off.  Try putting cute lace patches in the rips of your jeans, or taking an old T-shirt and creating a peplum bottom.  You can also cut a sweatshirt into a cozy new tank, or stud the sleeves of a basic LBD.  Knowing you single handedly gave your old pieces new life will make you feel like a full fashionista allover again.

Repurpose old apparel

Have a boring old sweater?  Cut it down the middle and make it into a cardigan you can wear to work.  Have an old scarf?  Cut and tie it into a cute hair bow or headband.  Have an extra flannel or patterned tank?  Cut out a small piece of fabric and use it to make a pocket on a plain T-shirt, or patches in a ripped pair of shorts.  You can even cut and hem an old tight dress into two, making a fun crop top and skirt set.  These simple DIY creations are fun and easy, and make for super fresh new pieces.

Next time you look in your closet, try seeing your clothes in a whole new way.  Think of how you can create quirky combinations, and try new DIY projects on old classics.  Once you start getting creative, your outfit possibilities are virtually endless.  And finally, the ‘I have nothing to wear,’ struggle will feel like a trend of the past.  


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