By bSMART Guide on Sunday, 02 February 2014
Category: Finances

Saving Money Tips - 5 Financial Habits to Start Practicing In the New Year

How are your finances doing? Not so hot? As the New Year begins, it’s a great time to consider adopting some financial habits that can help you in 2014. Take a look at these money habits and see if you can make them a part of your life. 

Habit #1 - Become smarter about your food consumption
Being smarter about your food consumption can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year.
Habit #2 - Become a smarter shopper
Be especially careful with your money when you’re browsing in a store or shopping online. If you don't, you might pay more than you should.
Habit #3 - Cut energy costs
Another area to consider when looking for saving money tips is energy costs. By thinking ahead, you can actually lower your energy costs by 20 to 30 percent without a great deal of sacrifice.
Habit #4 - Look for free or lower cost alternatives for recurring expenses
The mindset cultivated in Habit #2 applies to the rest of your financial life as well. Always look for lower cost alternatives before paying for a particular service or product.
Habit #5 - Put money away for expected and unexpected expenses
Have you ever had to charge your car insurance to a credit card? It’s better to put aside money so that you can pay for both expected and unexpected expenses with cash rather than incur high credit card fees to cover the same expenses. This is an important money saving tip. High credit card fees will prevent you from having anything to save.
If you manage to adopt these habits in 2014, you should be in better financial shape when 2015 arrives. Are there any other habits, financial or otherwise, you can adopt in 2014 to make your future brighter?
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