Strike a Pose: It’s Yoga Awareness Month!

Virasana.  Tadasana.  Dandasana.  Vrksasana.  Virabhadrasana I.  Utkatasana.  Savasana.

You may not know it, but you’ve just read your way through a yoga class.  

I don’t speak Sanskrit; I prefer the Americanized terms—Hero Pose, Mountain Pose, Staff Pose, Tree Pose, Warrior One, Chair Pose, Corpse Pose.  But after practicing yoga for nearly eight years, I felt it was time I learned how to pronounce the various pose names, and how to decipher one sana from the next.  (Confession: I’ve only memorized SavasanaCorpse Posealso known as nap time after class.  But I’ll get there.)


Purchase Yeti Yoga The Libra Yoga Mat here!

Growing up I was a ballerina, so it came naturally to me to transition into yoga in an effort to stay in shape as an adult.  Both disciplines help with flexibility, muscle strength, posture, focus, and balance.  And, just like I felt after an intense ballet class, I always leave the yoga studio with a sense of victory, wholeness, and self-awarenessnot to mention the endorphins from sweating, moving, and stretching.  

September is Yoga Awareness Month, which is the perfect time to reconnect with your inner yogi and take advantage of the city’s countless opportunities to practice the sanas.  Whether you’re like me and have a studio where you take classes regularly, or you’re new to yoga and curious about its many benefits, now is the time to downward-facing dog and locust pose your way to a clear mind, a healthy body, and a positive attitude.

All summer long, Bryant Park offers outdoor yoga classes throughout several days of the week.  Why not join fellow yogis for an hour-long yoga session in the heart of New York City?  I plan on taking advantage of the first few days of fall with an early morning sun salutation beneath the trees.  If you’re a member of a gym like New York Sports Club or Equinox, you can try a variety of yoga styles in addition to your regular workout routine.  ClassPass is a good (but pricey) option if you want to explore different studios and techniques throughout the city.


Now is the time to downward-facing dog and locust pose your way to a clear mind, a healthy body, and a positive attitude. 


What I love most about yoga is the fact that it’s not about how far you can lift your leg or how long you can balance in Warrior Three.  Recently, an instructor told me it’s the process, not the pose, that matters.  There is always room for improvement, always lessons to learn, which is what makes it such a great activity to get involved in!  

Happy Yoga Awareness Month, bSmart followers!  And Namaste.  Shanti.  Peace be with you.  


Samantha Hoback is an avid reader, writer, and publishing associate.  She loves coffee and wine, Indian food and tiramisu, yoga and ballet.  Read about her adventures in the city on her blog, From New York, with Love

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