Summer Sun Skin Care Tips

I remember the days when summer meant beachy sunkissed locks, a few extra freckles, and plenty of tan lines.  I used to love removing my Swatch watch to remind myself of my winter shade.  Days were spent in and out of the pool, and the last thing on my mind was considering the effect UV rays (much less the UVB rays) would have on my skin.

As I have gotten older, my relationship with my old BFF the sun has become a bit of a love-hate battle.  It’s true, I still relish the feeling of the sun warming my skin as I come out of the frigid ocean.  Nothing is better than settling into a comfy chaisse lounge with the latest copy of Vanity Fair under a cloudless sky.  But, my adorable freckles have been replaced with unsightly brown spots and uneven skin tone.  While my chemically colored hair reacts with the combination of chlorine and rays to turn an offensive shade of orange, too ugly for even the jumbo box of Crayola.

For those of us who feel staying out of the sun will lead to the sweats and shakes (like a junkie tossing the crack pipe) - worry no more.  With just a few precautionary measures, and a couple extra dollars, you can have your fun in the sun without harming your delicate skin.  Sun Worshiper Anonymous meetings no longer needed.


P is for Protect

Perhaps the most important key to healthy summertime skin is a good sunscreen. Often used only at the beach, a minimum SPF 30 lotion (which protects from both UV rays as well as UVB rays) should be worn every single day - no matter where you are.  The sun shining through your car window or on a cloudy day can still cause pesky brown pigment spots on your face.  So lather it on, ladies.  Try a tinted sunscreen as a substitute for your every day foundation.  The luminous formulas will keep you protected while giving you a natural looking glow.  I love Skinceuticals Physical Fusion UV Defense SPF 50 and Elta MD UV Daily Tinted Broad-Spectrum SPF 40 for protecting my skin.

Dermatologists also like the sheer Neutrogena Dry Touch Sunscreen as an everyday option for those whose skin tends to get oily.

Smart Tip:  Don’t forget about your hands when applying your sunscreen. Sun-spotted hands are an instant age giveaway.  Use an SPF body lotion every day to keep your hands looking young.

Fight Clogged Pores

One of my biggest summertime woes is fighting broken out skin and visibly clogged pores.  Dermatologists see a higher number of patients complaining about this very problem during the warmer summer months.  The combination of sunscreen and sweat are the culprit.  An at home exfoliating treatment done twice per week in the height of summer will help clean those dirty pores leaving you with clearer skin.  Choose one with Salicylic Acid to thoroughly remove excess oil.

If your pore problem is a bit more severe, and you have a few extra bucks to spend, let the professionals handle your problem skin. Try a twice monthly in-office salicylic peel during the summer months.

Mist It

We are constantly reminded to drink plenty of fluids during the hot summer.  Just like your body, your skin needs to be rehydrated.  The body and face spritzers are not a bunch of hype.  The good ones are packed with minerals which are lost through sweating.  Pack a bottle in your purse, your beach tote, or your gym bag.  I love Jane Iredale's Pommisst Hydration Spray for hydrating my summer skin.

Smat Tip: These misting sprays are also soothing and can calm sunburnt skin.

Go Beach or Go Home

Days at the beach are certainly one of the best parts of summer.  However, hours spent frolicking in the ocean and playing in the sand can wreak major havoc on your skin.  So, when the agenda calls for a trip to the shore, show up prepared.  Lather up with a thick chemical sunscreen which includes zinc oxide in its ingredients.  Too thick for everyday wear, these formulas are water-resistant and provide the ultimate protection on days outdoors.  I love Blue Lizard products for protecting my skin with fun in the sun.

Early Bird Gets the Worm, and Avoids the Burn

If you are an outdoor runner or participate in bootcamps held in the park, try rearranging your schedule to exercise in the hours before the temps are soaring. Avoid dehydration as well as excessive sun exposure by staying away from intense outdoor exercise in the middle of the day.  To keep track of how much sun you are getting and when to protect, try Netamo’s June wrist band which monitors your sun exposure in real time.

Hat Head

Hide your face from the sun with a hat designed to protect against the sun’s harmful rays.  While we all love a cute fedora, and I am personally bringing back the trucker hat, these stylish caps do not provide the necessary protection to save your skin. Try a hat which is UPF rated for stylish and smart salvation from the sun.


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