Your bSmart Summer Workout Guide

The days of ice cream, sunsets, and hours at the beach have arrived.  Finally, it’s summer.  Yet with the arrival of beach days comes the panic of the beach bod.  So, I have shared a guide for feeling, and looking, your absolute best everyday of the week.  Keep in mind - this is an intermediate level workout plan designed to encourage an active lifestyle.  I am a big believer that every good workout begins with 20-30 minutes of cardio.  With that said, each of my workouts begin with a form of cardio to get your heart rate up and blood pumping.  Let’s get into it!


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Mondays: Ab Day

1-2 mile jog or 3 mile fast walk
40 sit-ups or crunches
30 second plank (x2)
30 second side plank (x2)
15 V-sit ups
40 ab bikes


Tuesdays: Arm Day

20 minutes of stairs
30 tricep kickbacks (15 on each side)
60 curls (30 on each side)
30 medicine ball squat and press
15 dumbbell flies
10 push ups


Wednesdays: Leg Day

30 minutes on the bike
15 jump squats
30 jumping jacks
30 dumbbell bent over rows
30 squats
40 leg lifts (20 on each side)
15 leg lifts on your back


Thursdays: Glutes Day

2-3 mile jog or 4 mile fast walk/run intervals
10 squats
20 walking lunges
30 clamshell
30 second single leg bridge (x2)
30 donkey kicks (x2)


Fridays: Ab Day

10 minutes of jump rope and jumping jacks
10 minutes of stairs
1 minute of flutter kicks
1 minute plank
1 minute leg circles
30 second side plank (x2)
30 toe touches(15 on each side)
20 push ups


Saturdays: Leg Day

30 minutes on the bike
20 starbursts
1 minute wall sit
50 alternating lunges
20 squats
10 burpees


Sunday: REST DAY!

Try yoga, taking a hike, riding a bike outdoors or meditation today to stay active.


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