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bSmart ladies in NYC!  On Sunday, Nov 5, the newly opened studio and creators’ space Perfumerie is inviting bSmart membe...

bSmart ladies in NYC!  On Sunday, Nov 5, the newly opened studio and creators’ space Perfumerie is inviting bSmart members at 4pm to enjoy a complimentary Perfume Flight experience ($20 value) and receive a scent of their choice for free.  Following the tasting, bSmart ladies are invited to continue the conversation at Ladurée for French pastries and tea.


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    bSmart get-together in Soho

    bSmart ladies in NYC!  On Sunday, Nov 5, the newly opened studio and creators’ space Perfumerie is inviting bSmart members at 4pm to enjoy a complimentary Perfume Flight experience ($20 value) and receive a scent of their choice for free.  Following the tasting, bSmart ladies are invited to conti...

    bSmart ladies in NYC!  On Sunday, Nov 5, the newly opened studio and creators’ space Perfumerie is inviting bSmart members at 4pm to enjoy a complimentary Perfume Flight experience ($20 value) and receive a scent of their choice for free.  Following the tasting, bSmart ladies are invited to continue the conversation at Ladurée for French pastries and tea.


    5th Nov, 2017
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